Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Reference Shots

Hi, all! I’ve come up with a series of blog posts that might be at least somewhat interesting, particularly if you enjoy my Unrefined series of artworks. Many have inquired about my references for the structures and scenes in the Unrefined paintings, so I figured it might be fun to share some of my favorite reference photos on my blog. I figure I’ll post a few a week until I run out of “good” ones. (By, “good” I mean, nice shots that are interesting to you. I have hundreds of photos, but I imagine most of them are only interesting to me, as they’re either altogether useless, or only contain a small tidbit or two that I deem worth saving.)

First, it’s worth mentioning that I have NO access to ANY of these refineries, and thus far I have been unable to attain it. Private security, state authorities, and federal agencies protect these complexes. I have been asked to leave certain areas politely, and, well… not so politely. I was once “intimidated” by security vehicles off of an access road that led to refinery’s gate and I was easily still a half-mile away from the gate! You get my point. Unfortunately, in spite of the fact that I continue to bring art supplies on my reference hunts, doing sketches on location is impossible – unless I don’t mind sitting a couple of miles away from my subject, which I do! Therefore, my best bet is taking photos with my camera or (frequently) my phone, very often from my car, or “mental snapshots,” for lack of a better expression. (I’ll essentially just hold an image in my head until I can sketch it or paint it.) 

As shown here, there is rarely a shoulder upon which to pull over
and the speed limit on this particular road is 55 mph, making it difficult
to even slow down to take pictures!
Here are some more shots to kick things off....

This one may look familiar to some of you....

Coincidentally, UNREFINED XI "No Dumping," was inspired by a vacant lot with a "NO DUMPING" sign. Behind this lot was a pile of scrap and detritus from the refinery in the distance,  beyond some trees. Luckily, it was too perfect to forget, as I had no opportunity to photograph it. Anyway, sometimes these paintings are almost ready-made.

Okay, next:

How 'bout one more for now....

I like this shot, and fortunately got some more, too. About three
minutes after taking it, two security trucks drove up this road
and forced me to leave. They followed me back to the main road
and remained at the intersection. For how long... who knows?
I just kept driving....

Recently, I discovered a few more roads that have some great vantage points, so I'm sure to continue my library of reference for Unrefined, a series that seems to have no end in sight. Well, I hope this was remotely interesting for you. I'll post some more photos next week.

- Ian

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