Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Good Show! Bitch of a Canvas....

The Push Pin-Up Productions show went swimmingly! We had a great time, and met a lot of great people! The turnout was impressive to say the least. I posted some pic's on Facebook and hopefully there will be more to follow (I'm waiting on some emails....). A hearty "THANK YOU" to everyone at Push Pin-Up Productions and all of their volunteers that orchestrated such a wonderful evening art party. If you'd like to donate to Push Pin-Up to support future events like the Reflexion/Projexion show, here's a link: Donate!

Moving on, I finally finished stretching the canvas for my next piece in the Presence series. What a f#cking bitch! GRRRR! In the end I may have removed more staples over the course of getting it right than I actually ended up using on it. What a pain in the ass.... Here's why:

Remember that plaster fist on wood supports?

Yeah, that one. Well, here it is now:

So, yeah....

Gesso time!!
